Mon 27 Jan
█▓❤█▓❤█▓❤ Amazing *N—e—W* ASIAN GIRL █▓❤█▓❤█▓❤ *N—e—W* FACE█▓❤█▓❤█▓ GORGEOUS&YOUNG;█▓❤█▓❤█▓ - 21
(Costa Mesa, outcalls)
(¯`'.¸ ?¸.'´¯) NO ONE -:¦:- DOES IT-:¦:-LIKE ME (¯`'.¸? ¸.'´¯) ~Hosting~ In ~Santa~Barbara~ - 32
(santa barbara)
MYA RAE Californina's #1 Rated Exotic Hawaiian & Japanese Escort ((VISITING NOW))!! - 20
(ventura and surrounding areas)
♥♥♥ Let Us give you what you looking for !! STOP here CALL NOW OUTCALLS ONLY - 21
NEW ((♥️ SEXY♥️)) ((WILLING & READY)) ❤️ (((SUPER HOT)) ❤️ ((NICE BODY)) ask 4 mary - 23
(Oxnard, Ventura)
MISS ME...60 special. kitty is back with my girl juicy... CAN YOU HANDLE all these titties and booty - 35
* AmErIcAn DrEaMgIrL »--» SuPeR sExY »--» BLONDE PlAyMaTe »--» (NeW) 2 PLeaSe U! in*outcalls - 21
(Orange County, anaheim/disneyland area in/outcAlls)
* * * * * *Amazing Heights Well Reviewed Redhead! Better than Raging Waters! COSTA MESA - 28
~~~~ New **** Flawles Canadian Beauty **** New ~~~ 100$ special Today ONLY !!! - 21
(camarillo/oxnard/ thousand oaks!!!!!!!!)
NEW ★.BluE EyEd ♥ BLONDE PRINCESS Of PLEASURE ★ ★ [ X ] RĀT€D CU†¡€ °•★ W/ A JuiCy BooTy! - 25
(Thousand Oaks, THOUSAND OAKS 101 fwy 8184814294)
☆º·○º·●☆ NEW 2 AREA ★º·●º·→ TATTOOED VIXEN! ♡ Killer Curves♡ - 25
(Los Angeles, Santa Monica Incall/Outcalls)
~ A v a ! L a B L e nOW! ~ S u P e R Fun! ~ SUPER SEXY! ~ 10O% R e a L! ~ - 18
AmaZiNg SkiLLs _____ SoFt SenSuaL CuRveS ______ BLoNdE PLaYmaTe ______ AvAiLaBle All NiGhT LoNg - 20
(Orange County, D a n a = P o i n t -5FWY)
NEW :*¨¨*: :VISITING *:.♥ :*¨¨*:: ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS ::*¨¨*:. ♥:*¨ - 21
(Thousand Oaks INCALL)
I I I T A L I A N...I T A L I A N....R E A D Y .......F O R........Y O U...B R O N X X.... - 21
🌟🌟🌟 Ready to play..are you?? 🌟🌟🌟 - 22
(everywhere, Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Little Rock)
♥°☆° New PICS °☆° U L T IM A T E °☆° IN&OUT; °E X P E R I E N C E °☆♥ ♥ 702-983-0142 - 22
(Ventura, Thousand Oaks, Newbury Park ,Moor Park)
New in town ♥ beautiful, lovely LATINA, 1 or 2 girls available - 25
(Ventura, Camarrillo/ Thousand Oaks)
amazing reviews // fitness / lingerie / bikini model / upscale condo don't miss this opportunity 250 - 23
(Irvine, private upscale safe condo 405/jamboree)
Let's Play Spin The Bottle Love to KISS ((( Private Incall Available ))) - 44
(Ventura, Ventura Private Home Incall/ Outcall)
Last Call For Thousand Oaks Incall Special Hurry Bomb SPecials - 23
(Ventura, thousand Oaks INCALL/OUTCALL)
»——» NEW MiXED »——» _ SeXy & SwEeT __ YOU + [[ ME ]] = FUN!!! __ *incalls* - 18
(Ventura, Camarillo 60/100/160 INCALLS ONLY)
_= ((ALL AmeriCaN BLue Eyed BLoNde)) =_;_= (( *18* YR OLD )) NeW 2 The BIZZ!!"""" - 18
(405 FWY JWA (1OO IN))
^^^New Arrival^^Classy ASIAN Barbie in Newbury Park (Thousand Oaks) now - 25
(Ventura, Newbury Park / Thousand Oaks)
*************** New BLONDE In Town .. SWEET as Honey .. CUTE as A Button *************** - 20
♥ ·.¸.·´¯* N_a_U_g_H_t_y ♥·. (EXPERIENCE_ One) .·´¯* C_R_a_v_ e_S-f_O_r ♥ ·.¸.·´¯* - 31
(♥ In Between The Sheets)
A==>>LiTTLE==>> PiECE==>>Of ==> >hEAVEN==>>yOU. .WONt .. bE diSAPOiNTEd ..NEW GIRL - 21
Long Leg AmaZoN GoDDesS>>>Sexy Slim Body>>>>HoT PassioN ...$100..Avail - 26
(Ventura, Thousand Oaks 101 fwy Incall/Outcall)
A Real cute Blonde , READY And very sexxy,LET me get you ready 4 the week - 22
(OFF/91..RIGHT in 2 me)
❯►❯►♥ 💋 Loving Sisters Playing HERE in Lingerie ♥ 💋 ◀︎❮◀︎❮ @ 💋SECRET SPOT💋 REAL PICs or FREE - 18
(Long Beach, PICO RIVERA - Slauson & Rosemead)
❤ A New Cutie in Town!! ❤❤ ❤Real Pics◄◄ ◄◄ ◄ ❤❤❤❤❤❤ - 19
(Garden Grove, Orange County, STANTON CYPRESS GG)
Ready To Have The Time Of Your Life.? Pretty Nicki's Ready To Make That Happen.!*AVAILABLE 24/7 - 21
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Bradenton/Venice/Northport/PC)
🔯⛎🔜🌹🌹 🔜 ♐️♐️ ♐️🚾🅿️ 🅾🆑🆎 🔯⛎🌹MAGIC THERAPY🐳🐳🐳❤️❤️💔8059854626 - 23
(1017 s ventura rd oxnard ca, Ventura)
(Ventura, Encino Reseda sherman oaks tarzana)
⏠ ⎠ * A * S * I * A * N * * * A * n * g * e * L * S! ! * ⏠ ⎠ - 23
(Orange County, ★ UNTIL 12:OO Mid Nite!)
A @$$ Man's ***** Dream ***** INCALL SpeCiaLS == THAT ISNT REALLY HER ***** BUT THIS IS 100% ME! - 19
📕NEW LADIES ♣️♣️♣️ TE ESPERAMOS ♣️♣️. ♣️♣️♣️NUEBAS♣️♣️. ♣️♣️♣️. ♣️♣️♣️. MASAJISTAS ♣️♣️🎱 8059854626 - 22
(1017 s ventura rd oxnard ca, Ventura)